Panic Rooms and Shelters

If you are considering installing one to your house or office, give us a ring.

Remember what these spaces are for – so don’t let the whole world know.

As such we can’t tell you who we have designed and build for.

All information of the design, materials, addresses contact details etc are kept on a single hard drive and given to client at end of project. All employees are legally contracted to not discuss projects.

Think about it

Panic Rooms

The simplest safe room is simply a closet with the hollow-core door replaced with an exterior-grade solid-core door that has a deadbolt and longer hinge screws and strike-plate screws to resist battering. Sometimes, the ceiling is reinforced, or gated, to prevent easy access from the attic or from an overhead crawl space.
More expensive safe rooms, such as those constructed for celebrities and executives, have walls and a door reinforced with sheets of steel, Kevlar, or bullet-resistant fibreglass. The hinges and strike plate are often reinforced with long screws. Some safe rooms may also have externally-vented ventilation systems and a separate telephone connection. They might also connect to an escape shaft.
Safe rooms in the basement can be built with concrete walls, a building technique that is normally not possible on the upper floors of wood-framed structures unless there is substantial structural reinforcement to the building.
Kempson’s will carry out an initial Security Site Survey to establish all security risks and to combine all Security and Construction aspects. It is important to locate the Panic Room in the correct location to serve the required purpose, therefore we strongly advise using our expertise to achieve the correct security requirements, Which could affect slowing access to other parts of the building to give you that few minutes.

The bomb shelter business is booming.

They can look and serve much like an attractive room addition, and they provide unparalleled strength to withstand a bomb blast or other natural or unnatural forces.

Whether you are looking to build an underground shelter, NBC shelter, or your own personal underground concrete bunker to protect your family, we are here to help and we can also design your bomb shelter plans.

A nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) safe room protects its occupants from inhaling harmful or deadly airborne toxins such as very fine particles of radioactive fallout, biological toxins, and chemical agents. In the past, the Government has poured extensive resources into providing the best information for the protection of its citizens from NBC warfare agents. This is not the case today.

At present the government suggests duct tape and plastic over door and windows, then wait for further official instruction. Although the tape and plastic method would offer some immediate short term protection from low level toxins at low concentrations, it would be, at best, a short term solution. Most governments tend to only recommend emergency procedures that can be afforded by all their citizens.

As a contrast to most governments, both Switzerland and Israel require, and subsidize the cost of, NBC safe rooms and blast shelters in residential dwellings and commercial buildings. They have strict standards in place governing both the construction of the room and the ventilation equipment protecting the room.

Our rooms are designed to protect you and family. Using American/Switzerland/Israel Safe Room filter/ventilation equipment and related components are designed and manufactured specifically for this purpose.

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